The Game-Changer Journey (LIVE Online)

Most people, we spoke to, feel they are not fully utilizing they potential. We heard how these individuals are looking for opportunities to thrive, contribute, were looking for meaning and engagement. That is tragic! Because we need passionate, engaged individuals more than before. So, we design this course to help fix this. The course 1) makes people aware of their full potential and 2) helps identify the environment they need to thrive. Over five modules, you will learn:

  • how your environment influences your behaviour and your experience of life,
  • what drives you and will energize you every day going forward,
  • how to overcome some of the likely barriers that might hold you back,
  • shape a vision to guide your decisions going forward.

This is a very special course to me. I love the moment, when the participants eyes light up. When they access that place inside that has always fueled during their most amazing and powerful moments. We will be working on a map to get you there.

Summary (details on the next page):

  • Starting dates and time: (please check on the right side)
  • Duration: 90 Minutes
  • Number of Sessions: 5
  • Location: Video Conference online
  • Participants: 6-10 people
  • Language: English 

This is an opportunity to have a life changing experience! Please choose the course option most suitable to you on the right side of this screen.

Do you still have questions? Then don't hesitate to reach out to me on [email protected].


50% Complete

Two Step

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